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General science questions for ssc cgl, mts and railway exams

General science is a key Subject in exams like UPSC, SSC, and RRB, requiring a mix knowledge and smart preparation. Start with NCERT books to build a strong foundation, focusing on basics like human anatomy, physics principles, and chemical reactions. Additionally, reference a concept book to deepen your understanding of complex topics.

general science questions

For practice, solve past exam papers and take mock tests. These will help you get comfortable with the exam format and improve your timing. Also use online quizzes or apps to make practice more enjoyable. The key is to stay consistent, revise regularly, and keep learning stress free and effective.

1. Where is the Headquarters of Indian space research organisation
A. Tamilnadu
B. Mumbai
C. Bangalore
D. None of these
Answer. C

2. World environment day is celebrated every year on
A. 2 June
B. 4 June
C. 5 June
D. 7 June
Answer. C

3. Which of the following is used in pencil
A. Graphite
B. Copper
C. Silver
D. Magnesium
Answer. A

4. Ozone layer preservation day is celebrated on
A. 16 September
B. 17 September
C. 18 September
D. 19 September
Answer. A

5. Who is the father of “ Genetics “
A. Madam curie
B. Gregor Mendel
C. Newton
D. None of these
Answer. B

6. Who is the father of Geometry
A. Archimedes
B. Euclid
C. Louis pasteur
D. pythagoras
Answer. B

7. Where is kanha National park
A. Maharashtra
B. Punjab
C. Banaglore
D. Madhya pradesh
Answer. D

8. The study of animal called
A. Agriculture
B. Zoology
C. Geology
D. Biology
Answer. B

9. Earth day is celebrated on
A. 22 April
B. 1 May
C. 21 June
D. 2 February
Answer. A

10. Which planet has the longest day
A. Mercury
B. Jupiter
C. Venus
D. Earth
Answer. C

11. Which planet is nearest to the earth
A. Venus
B. Neptune
C. Mars
D. Mercury
Answer. D

12. Which planet is known as red planet
A. Mars
B. Saturn
C. Jupiter
D. Earth
Answer. A

13. Candela is the Si unit of
A. Electricity intensity
B. Luminous intensity
C. Magnetic field intensity
D. None of these
Answer. B

14. How many Si unit are there
A. 6
B. 7
C. 8
D. 9
Answer. A

15. Which disease is caused by dificiency of vitamin C
A. Night blindness
B. Scurvy
C. Anaemia
D. Rickets
Answer. B

16. Orange or red colour of the setting sun is due to
A. Reflection of light
B. Scattering of light
C. Absorption of light
D. Refraction of light
Answer. B

17. Chemical symbol of Sodium
A. Na
B. Mg
C. N
D. O2
Answer. A

18. Which element has the highest electronegativity
A. Fluorine
B. Oxygen
C. Nitrogen
D. Carbonate
Answer. A

19. Chemical symbol of tin
A. T
B. N
C. Sn
D. Mg
Answer. C

20. Which element has the least electronegativity
A. Silver
B. Boron
C. Tungsten
D. Caesium
Answer. D

21. Which instrument is used for measuring a wind speed
A. Anemometer
B. Hygrometer
C. Barometer
D. None of these
Answer. A

22. Which lens is used to burn paper
A. Concave lens
B. Convex lens
C. Both a & b
D. None of these
Answer. B

23. Diesel engines are generally
A. Heat and mass governed
B. Quantity governed
C. Quality governed
D. None of these
Answer. C

24. Kelvin Planck’s law deal with
A. Conservation of heat
B. Conservation of heat to work
C. Conservation of work to heat
D. Conservation of work
Answer. B

25. Which gas has the highest percentage in air
A. Boron
B. Carbon monoxide
C. Nitrogen
D. Helium
Answer. C

26. What is the normal human body temperature
A. 42°
B. 36°
C. 57°
D. 68°
Answer. B

27. Roscosmos space agency of which country
A. Isreal
B. Iraq
C. Russia
D. New Zealand
Answer. C

28. Nose radius is expressed in
A. Degree
B. Radian
C. mm
D. Cm
Answer. C

29. Heat is closely related to
A. Temperature
B. Entrophy
C. Energy
D. None of these
Answer. A

30. Transformer ratings are usually for
C. KWh
D. None of these
Answer. B

31. Power plant is usually worked on
A. Binary vapour cycle
B. Brayton cycle
C. Otto cycle
D. Rankine cycle
Answer. D

32. The brain is made of cells known as
A. Cayton
B. Neuron
C. nephron
D. None of these
Answer. B

33. Eclipse happens because light
A. Travels in straight line
B. Travels in wave
C. Travels with high speed
D. None of these
Answer. A

34. What is the atomic number of potassium
A. 15
B. 19
C. 21
D. 23
Answer. B

35. The SI unit of acceleration is
A. Meters/second
B. Ampere
C. jule
D. None of these
Answer. A

36. How many balance electrons are in Nitrogen
A. 5
B. 7
C. 9
D. 11
Answer. A

37. How many atom in carbon
A. 7
B. 6
C. 5
D. 4
Answer. B

38. How many elements are there in periodic table
A. 114
B. 115
C. 116
D. 118
Answer. D

39. The mineral acidity in water is due to presence of
A. Dissolving of salts
B. Dissolution of minerals
C. Addition minerals acids
D. None of these
Answer. A

40. Which acid present in curd
A. Acetic acid
B. Citric acid
C. Lactic acid
D. None of these
Answer. C

41. Which blood cells help to destroy damaged cells
A. Platelets
B. Monocytes
C. Leucocytes
D. None of these
Answer. B

42. Unit of power lens is
A. Dioptre
B. Pascal
C. Amu
D. Killowatt hour
Answer. A

43. Which of the following is not an insect
A. Butterfly
B. Beetle
C. Spider
D. None of these
Answer. C

44. The Making of map is called
A. Geography
B. Cartography
C. Calligraphy
D. None of these
Answer. B

45. Anatomy is study of
A. Human body
B. Animal
C. Mountain
D. Weather
Answer. A

46. Which of the following is a most malleable metal
A. Aluminium
B. Silver
C. Tungsten
D. Gold
Answer. D

47. Water gas is prepared by passing steam over red hot
A. Nitrogen
B. Aluminium
C. Carbon
D. None of these
Answer. C

48. Permanent hardness in water due to
A. Magnesium sulfate
B. Sodium chloride
C. Nitrogen dioxide
D. Oxygen sulfate
Answer. A

49. Corrisen is due to
A. Reduction
B. Oxidation
C. Erosion
D. None of these
Answer. B

50. The Inorganic content present in enemal
A. 90 %
B. 96 %
C. 85 %
D. 1 %
Answer. B

51. Gun metal is an alloy of
A. Cu , Zn and Sn
B. Cn and Zn
C. Cu and Sn
D. Zn and Cu
Answer. A

52. The Inorganic content present in enemal
A. 90 %
B. 96 %
C. 85 %
D. 1 %
Answer. B

53. Ionization energy of sodium is
A. 201 KJ/Mol
B. 496 KJ/Mol
C. 345 KJ/Mol
D. 558 KJ/Mol
Answer. B

54. Nylon is Classified as a
A. Polyether
B. Polyester
C. Polyamide
D. None of these
Answer. C

55. The PH Scale Range from
A. 0 – 14
B. 0 – 7
C. 0 – 10
D. 0 – 15
Answer. A

56. The number of isomers of pentane is
A. 5
B. 4
C. 3
D. 2
Answer. C

57. . Which of the following has the least energetic molecules
A. Solid
B. Gas
C. Liquid
D. None of these
Answer. A

58. Which gas is used in hot air balloons because it is lighter than air
A. Helium
B. Hydrogen
C. Both a & b
D. Neither a or b
Answer. C

59. Hematology is Study of
A. Blood
B. Bones
C. Liver
D. None of these
Answer. A

60. Tricholgoy is the Study of
A. Kidney
B. Lungs
C. Hearts
D. Hair
Answer. D

61. Which metal is best conductor of electricity
A. Silver
C. Gold
C. Tin
D. None of these
Answer. A

62. Insulin is generated in which gland
A. Kidney
B. Hearts
C. Liver
D. Pancreas
Answer. D

63. Who discovered platinum
A. Antonio de ulloa
B. Henry Cavendish
C. Norman Lockyer
D. None of these
Answer. A

64. Chemical symbol of platinum
A. P
B. Pt
C. Pl
D. Pa
Answer. B

65. Boron has how many valence electrons
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 6
Answer. B

66. Light from the sun reaches the earth approximately in
A. 4 minute and 9 seconds
B. 6 minute and 7 seconds
C. 8 minute and 20 seconds
D. None of these
Answer. C

67. Light from the sun reaches the earth approximately in
A. 4 minute and 9 seconds
B. 6 minute and 7 seconds
C. 8 minute and 20 seconds
D. None of these
Answer. C

68. Who discovered the hall effect
A. Edwin Hall
B. Dennis Gabor
C. Nikolay Basov
D. None of these
Answer. A

69. Lactometer is used to measure
A. Milk
B. Paneer
C. Oil
D. None of these
Answer. A

70. What is the unit of Impulse
A. Ampere
B. Newton
C. Hertz
D. None of these
Answer. B

71. Who Discovered Kelvin Scale
A. William Thomson
B. Daniel Radcliffe
C. Galileo
D. None of these
Answer. A

72. The acceleration due to gravity
A. Increases as we go up the earth
B. Decreases as we go up the earth
C. Increases as we go down the earth
D. None of these
Answer. B

73. The law of constant proportion was given by
A. Joseph proust
B. Frederick Blackman
C. Johnn Dobereiner
D. None of these
Answer. A

74. Animals that eat other animals called
A. Omnivores
B. Herbivores
C. Carnivores
D. None of these
Answer. C

75. Where is the smallest bone in human body located
A. Middle Ear
B. Knee
C. Skull
D. None of these
Answer. A

76. Chemical formula of bleaching powder
A. Baca2
B. Ca ( CIO )2
C. Bacl2
D. Bapa2
Answer. B

77. Which is a natural colloide
A. Blood
B. Urea
C. Cane Sugar
D. None of these
Answer. C

78. Which of the following is not a form of Carbon
A. Graphite
B. Coal
C. Soot
D. Hematite
Answer. D

79. Which Metal Present in Haemoglobin
A. Aluminium
B. Iron
C. Sodium
D. Potassium
Answer. B

80. Which of the following are not Electromagnetic wave
A. Gamma rays
B. Cosmic rays
C. Beta Rays
D. Alpha Rays
Answer. B

81. Which material has the highest tensile strength
A. Tungsten
B. Lead
C. Tin
D. Lithium
Answer. A

82. Which type of current is obtained from a battery
A. D.C Current
B. A.C Current
C. Both A.C and D.C Current
D. None of these
Answer. A

83. In glycolysis glucose is converted to
A. Pyruvate
B. Methanol
C. Nitric Acid
D. Acetic Acid
Answer. A

84. Green Glands are associated with
A. Excretion
B. Reproduction
C. Respiration
D. Digestion
Answer. A

85. Which of the following is strongest oxidizing agent
A. Fluorine
B. Calcium
C. Oxygen
D. iodine
Answer. A

86. Which of the following phenomenon helps to conclude that light is a transverse wave
A. Diffraction
B. Polarization
C. Refraction
D. None of these
Answer. B

87. Petrology is the study of
A. Rock
B. Land
C. Soil
D. Mineral
Answer. A

Frequently asked questions :

Q. Why is ISRO significant in India’s scientific achievements?

Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) is vital for India space exploration, satellite launches, and technological advancements such as the

Q. Why is the study of human anatomy important in exams like AIIMS ?

Understanding human anatomy is crucial for medical aspirants in india, as it forms the foundation for diagnosing and treating diseases in exams like NEET and AIIMS.


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